Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

How to Translate the theme

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Translation Basics

The section covers the steps in creating a .po file that contains the set of translated strings. If you’re already fimilar with creating a .po file, skip to the Recommended Toolssection.

Setting The WordPress installation language

Head over to the WordPress admin panel > Settings > General tab and ensure that your desired language is selected from the “Site Language” dropdown. This step is essential for ensuring the correct language file you’ll be creating gets called on your site.

Location of Theme Language Files

By default, Salient will load language files from the lang directory, which is located in the root of the theme folder. Once you’ve created your .po/.mo files for your desired language code, you can store them in this directory.

If you’d like to keep your .po/.mo files in a child theme to ensure they don’t get removed during theme updates, you can create a directory called “lang” within your Salient child theme and keep them there instead. When going this route, you’ll also need to add the following snippet into your Salient child theme functions.php file:

<span class="border-top"></span><span class="border-right"></span><span class="border-bottom"></span><span class="border-left"></span>
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'child_lang_setup');
function child_lang_setup(){ load_child_theme_textdomain('salient', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/lang');

Translation Process

Salient includes three files in the lang directory to assist with translation.

Recommended Tools


WPML makes it easy to build multilingual sites and run them. It’s powerful enough for corporate sites, yet simple for blogs.

The WPML team has written a comprehensive guide on integration with Salient. If you’re new to the plugin, or stuck on something we recommend giving it a read through.

 Official WPML Guide

If you’re looking for extra assistance with for your site solution or are in need of developing customized components – WPML also has a list of official contractors.

 WPML Contractors List

Loco Translate (Free)

Loco Translate provides in-browser editing of WordPress translation files.

Download Loco Translate

Poedit (Free)

Poedit is a program you can download for free to translate outside of WordPress. Because of this, it’s slightly more labor intensive than one of the WP plugins above, but still a great option.  Poedit is intentionally spartan so that the focus is on the translation you’re working on. Just you and the translation, no distractions.

Download Poedit