Make Masonry Blog height Uneven (Not Fixed)
If your Images are not Sized the Same and you dont want to size them Manually add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :
/* Make the Masonry Blog height Uneven (Not Fixed) */ #post-area.masonry.classic_enhanced article.post.large_featured, #post-area.masonry.classic_enhanced article.post.regular .article-content-wrap, #post-area.masonry.classic_enhanced article.post.regular.format-standard.has-post-thumbnail, #post-area.masonry.classic_enhanced article.post.regular.format-video.has-post-thumbnail, #post-area.masonry.classic_enhanced article.post.regular.format-audio.has-post-thumbnail { height: auto!important; }