Hi, some time ago my menu stopped showing as intended. After updating the theme to the latest version.
1) The arrow next to a menu item with sub menu is gone.
2) The background color of certain menu items was orange (menu item 'Kies Locatie' and 'Mijn VIP'. I got this working with this css, but is no longer working:
/* Solid menu item background orange */ header#top nav > ul > li.button_solid_color > a:before, #header-outer.transparent header#top nav > ul > li.button_solid_color > a:before { background-color: #FF5722 !important; }
/* Solid menu item text color white on active */ #header-outer:not([data-lhe="animated_underline"]) header#top nav .sf-menu li.button_solid_color > a, #header-outer:not([data-lhe="animated_underline"]) header#top nav .sf-menu li.button_solid_color > a { color: #ffffff !important; }
Could the new theme update have caused this to stop working? Can you help me fix this?
Edit: It seems the options in Customizer > Menu's and Appearance > Menu's for changing a menu item to a 'solid button' are no longer there since the update.
1) The arrows did not come back after changing the style from original to ascend. Any other ideas?
2) The sub-menu's look very strange after making the main item solid using the script above. 'Contact' still has a normal sub menu, but 'Mijn VIP' for example has strange collapsing buttons on hover. Any idea how to fix this?
Thank you for the great support, we are almost there! The dropdown menu items are now fixed with your custom css.
Only the icons remain, I switched back to original so I hope you can see the problem now. It is a bit more serious than i thought, the mobile menu icon is also gone.
Hi, some time ago my menu stopped showing as intended. After updating the theme to the latest version.
1) The arrow next to a menu item with sub menu is gone.
2) The background color of certain menu items was orange (menu item 'Kies Locatie' and 'Mijn VIP'. I got this working with this css, but is no longer working:
/* Solid menu item background orange */
header#top nav > ul > li.button_solid_color > a:before, #header-outer.transparent header#top nav > ul > li.button_solid_color > a:before {
background-color: #FF5722 !important;
/* Solid menu item text color white on active */
#header-outer:not([data-lhe="animated_underline"]) header#top nav .sf-menu li.button_solid_color > a, #header-outer:not([data-lhe="animated_underline"]) header#top nav .sf-menu li.button_solid_color > a {
color: #ffffff !important;
Could the new theme update have caused this to stop working? Can you help me fix this?
Edit: It seems the options in Customizer > Menu's and Appearance > Menu's for changing a menu item to a 'solid button' are no longer there since the update.
Hey Again,
Try changing the Skin in Salient Theme Options Panel -> General Settings to get the Arrows back .
Also see " WP 4.7 Bug | Menu Item Style not showing in Menu Options in WP Dashboard .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thank you!
I used this code and my menu items are now solid again:
<script type='text/javascript'>
1) The arrows did not come back after changing the style from original to ascend. Any other ideas?jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
jQuery('#menu-item-576, #menu-item-38, #menu-item-156, #menu-item-613, #menu-item-163, #menu-item-586, #menu-item-170, #menu-item-604, #menu-item-177, #menu-item-595').addClass('button_solid_color');
2) The sub-menu's look very strange after making the main item solid using the script above. 'Contact' still has a normal sub menu, but 'Mijn VIP' for example has strange collapsing buttons on hover. Any idea how to fix this?
Hey Again,
Could you switch back to Original so i can have a look at why the arrows arent showing .
Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thank you for the great support, we are almost there! The dropdown menu items are now fixed with your custom css.
Only the icons remain, I switched back to original so I hope you can see the problem now. It is a bit more serious than i thought, the mobile menu icon is also gone.
Hey Again,
So the Easiest Method is to Enqueue the Salient Theme fontawesome file again using this code in the Child theme functions.php :
ThemeNectar Support Team
The child functions.php already contains some code like this, do i replace this code or just paste underneath?
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'salient_child_enqueue_styles');
function salient_child_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array('font-awesome'));
if ( is_rtl() )
wp_enqueue_style( 'salient-rtl', get_template_directory_uri(). '/rtl.css', array(), '1', 'screen' );
But it doesnt have this line :
Please see the code provided closely and make the changes
ThemeNectar Support Team
Works! Thank you :)