I've noticed a light-grey gap in most of the pages. Specially at the bottom, next to the top border of the call to action.
I think it is somehow related to the main body page colour, but wasn't unable to find anything to tweak, nor in the Salient dashboard or via the FireBug.
How can I make this gap go away or just to be white? Please advise for both solutions. A pic showing the gap is attached for convenience.
Thanks mate! This worked as expected in all screen sizes, except for tablet landscape. I'm testing on iPad mostly and the Firefox / Chrome developer console,
I am afraid you will have to either turn off the Parallax Slider or the Footer Reveal Option as a JS Code fix is needed to calculate the height correctly.
They seem to be related both passepartout and the provided code so I just found that decreasing the passepartout to 10px kind of solves the issue for all devices... However will take your advice into account, since maybe the passepartout is something that I could live without and perhaps will go away in the near future...
Hi there,
I've noticed a light-grey gap in most of the pages. Specially at the bottom, next to the top border of the call to action.
I think it is somehow related to the main body page colour, but wasn't unable to find anything to tweak, nor in the Salient dashboard or via the FireBug.
How can I make this gap go away or just to be white?
Please advise for both solutions. A pic showing the gap is attached for convenience.
Hey Again,
This seems like a bug .
Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thanks mate! This worked as expected in all screen sizes, except for tablet landscape.
I'm testing on iPad mostly and the Firefox / Chrome developer console,
Any ideas? :)
Hey Again,
I am afraid you will have to either turn off the Parallax Slider or the Footer Reveal Option as a JS Code fix is needed to calculate the height correctly.
ThemeNectar Support Team
They seem to be related both passepartout and the provided code so I just found that decreasing the passepartout to 10px kind of solves the issue for all devices... However will take your advice into account, since maybe the passepartout is something that I could live without and perhaps will go away in the near future...
Thanks again, mate! :)