  Public Ticket #1055575
portfolio & nectar slider not showing


  • Trae started the conversation

    I've updated the site and now the portfolio and nectar slider are not showing. http://miltonsmooth.co.uk

    Please advise.

    Thanks, Trae

  •  3,072
    Andrew replied

    Hi Trae, 

    Thanks for reaching out. 

    Have you update the bundled plugins as well? 

    See here:

    4 | Installing and Updating Salient Visual Composer (Bundled with Theme)

    Let me know if that solves your issue. 


  • Trae replied

    Hello Andrew,

    Thanks for your reply, but I've already updated the plugins, and still no joy.

    :( Trae 

  •  3,072
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Thanks for contacting us regarding your query.

    We have investigated the URL you have provided us with and checked the Portfolio which seems to be working as it should as illustrated in the screencast linked below. 


    Are you experiencing a different issue with the Portfolio

    I look forward to your reply?


  • Trae replied

    Cheers Andrew, it is all working now. Think it may have been a caching issue, despite clearing cookies / hard refreshing it took 24 hours to show the changes.

    Thanks for your help :)