  Public Ticket #1087400


  •  2
    kreed4 started the conversation

    Love this theme and the new update.  Hoping for help with some small font issues I'm seeing:

    • Testimonial (Name/SubTitle Font):  http://www.peeriq.com/ 
      • Not sure why, but the font here is very small.  The blockquote is fine (and I see that Font option there in the Theme Typography option screen), but not sure how to edit the Name and Subtitle font sizes.  
    • Team page: http://www.peeriq.com/team/
      • Bio Font.  Love the FullScreen Bio Modal, but the text in the first paragraph is lighter than the ensuing paragraphs.  
      • Overlay color/opacity.  I like to make the photo overlay more opaque.
    • Bullet point font: http://www.peeriq.com/careers/#openings
      • Bullet point font on the job descriptions is lighter than regular paragraph.



  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Thanks for contacting us regarding your query.

    You may use the following Custom CSS Codes to accomplish these requests. 

    /*Resolves Testimonial Slider Title and Span Font Size*/
    .light .testimonial_slider blockquote span.title, .light .testimonial_slider blockquote span {
      font-size:  1em !important;
      line-height: 1.2em;
    /*Team Bio Font Fix*/ 
    .nectar_team_member_overlay.open .team_member_details .team-desc{
      font-size: 1.2em !important;
      -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;
    /*Image Overlay Opcaity Increase*/
    .team-member[data-style="bio_fullscreen"]:hover .team-member-overlay {
        opacity: 0.7;
    /*Bullet Text Font Color Fix*/
    .main-content ul li{
      -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;

    You may add this to the Custom CSS Code section located by navigating to Appearance>General Settings>CSS/Script Related>Custom CSS Code from your WordPress Dashboard. 

    Please let me know if there are any more questions that I may answer for you.


  •  2
    kreed4 replied

    Thanks, Andrew. 

    Only follow-up is on the Testimonial Slider font.  The SubTitle font was increased, but the name is still very small.  How can I increase the name?  Thanks. 

  •  2
    Ben replied

    I am having the same issue as @kreed4 below with the first paragraph text in my team bio modal. However, I inspected it and it appears that the first paragraph is not getting wrapped with <p> tags. It also doesn't add a gap between it and the next paragraph because of this (see attached). How can this be fixed?

  •  9,086
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Sorry For Delay due to the (Ticksy | Support System) Update. 

    This is a known bug and will be sorted in the upcoming updates coming next week . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team