  Public Ticket #1102182
Portfolio full width columns


  •  2
    timengelbrecht started the conversation

    Hello theme ninjas! 

    I have this silly problem  (probably an easy fix) 

    The portfolio Mobile version, tablet version and small desktop version looks great, 3 columns and 6 tiles. When I go to large desktop version it loses this formation and become 4 columns and leaves a big blank white section. Is there a way to force the portfolio to stay 3 columns but keep it's existing style? 

    Thanks for all your hard work! Really appreciate it! 

  •  2
    timengelbrecht replied

    Video attached. :) 

  •  9,085
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
        body .portfolio-items.constrain-max-cols .col.elastic-portfolio-item.tall, body .portfolio-items.constrain-max-cols.masonry-items .col.elastic-portfolio-item.regular, body #post-area.masonry.meta_overlaid .masonry-blog-item.regular, #boxed #post-area.full-width-content.meta_overlaid .masonry-blog-item.regular, #boxed .full-width-content #post-area.meta_overlaid .masonry-blog-item.regular {
            width: 33.33% !important;;

    Though this will likely make the images a little blur.  


    ThemeNectar Support Team