I cannot change the size of the font in the nectar slider. I can change everything but the font. I made a change days ago and it worked, but now I cannot change anymore.
You can edit the slide on the slider and use HTML span tags on the element to specify a font-size property on the style attributes of the span. See example of what you can use on the caption field of slide edit page:
<span stylle="font-size:2.5em">Basically, we're awesome. <br>What else really needs to be said?</span>
<span style="font-size:2.5em !important">YOUR TEXT HERE...</span>
!important overrides a particular style on an element. Say, if your font size was 4.5em before, then it'll be 2.5em now - regardless of where the original size (4.5em) has been declared previously. See this interesting article to learn more.
Hi Maurice, thank you for your answer but your solution doesn't work well for me.
If I use html span tag as you suggest me
<span style="font-size:2.5em !important">YOUR TEXT HERE...</span>
I see the nectar slider in the right way in my macbook pro retina but VERY VERY BIG in a computer not retina.
This is the problem that I have, and I don't know how to solve it.
Any change of the font size I do using html span tag gives huge different result depending on the device I use.
Instead if I change the font using Salient > Typography > Nectar Specific Elements I see changes in any device except in the retina one, even if i clear the cache.
I cannot change the size of the font in the nectar slider. I can change everything but the font. I made a change days ago and it worked, but now I cannot change anymore.
Any help/suggestion would be very appreciate!
Hi Giulia,
Apologies for the late reply.
You can edit the slide on the slider and use HTML span tags on the element to specify a font-size property on the style attributes of the span. See example of what you can use on the caption field of slide edit page:
Hope this helps.
Thank you!
It works for the heading font but not for the caption font...
Hi Giulia,
Thanks for keeping in touch with us.
Changing the nectar slider font/font size can be done by going to Salient > Typography > Nectar Specific Elements.
The first two settings are for the heading and caption of the home/nectar slider.
Please let me know if there are any more questions that I may answer for you :)
Try this:
!important overrides a particular style on an element. Say, if your font size was 4.5em before, then it'll be 2.5em now - regardless of where the original size (4.5em) has been declared previously. See this interesting article to learn more.
Hi Maurice, thank you for your answer but your solution doesn't work well for me.
If I use html span tag as you suggest me
I see the nectar slider in the right way in my macbook pro retina but VERY VERY BIG in a computer not retina.
This is the problem that I have, and I don't know how to solve it.
Any change of the font size I do using html span tag gives huge different result depending on the device I use.
Instead if I change the font using Salient > Typography > Nectar Specific Elements I see changes in any device except in the retina one, even if i clear the cache.