Hi There, loving the theme and easy to create a website. Quick question, considering of buying these add-ons for VC - because I want to create my website productively.
Do you know if these add ons are OK for the theme?
Hey Junesees, Hope you had a Great Weekend, We havent tested it with Our Version of Visual Composer aka Salient VC so can not confirm as to what extent these plugins would work or not . Please confirm with the Plugin Developers before purchasing .
Hi There, loving the theme and easy to create a website. Quick question, considering of buying these add-ons for VC - because I want to create my website productively.
Do you know if these add ons are OK for the theme?
If not, what would you advise me?
Thanks, June
Hey Junesees,
Hope you had a Great Weekend, We havent tested it with Our Version of Visual Composer aka Salient VC so can not confirm as to what extent these plugins would work or not . Please confirm with the Plugin Developers before purchasing .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hi Tahir, Thanks for getting back to me.
No worries. Is there a way to edit my website on the front end with SALIENT VC?
To enable that somehow? I know VC will do back end view and front end.
Hey Again,
No i am afraid the Salient VC does not have the Frontend Module enabled as it doesnt play right with some of our custom features .
ThemeNectar Support Team