  Public Ticket #1130812
Can't maquetar the Web


  • FeionFei started the conversation


    Firstable i have to say that my english is not very good, sorry. But i have to try because since i bought the theme i'm not able to do anything with it... I'm starting to think that i'm a bit silly girl.

    I don't know if someone can help me... I've trying all the posibilities trying to make this web. http://www.marcoschott.com/marco/ at first sight seems very easy, and i read that Silent theme is very easy too... well, not for me.

    I'm trying to put a video on the top and then text or pictures but without luck.

    When i use Background video i can't see the logo, only appears with the scroll. I Can't take off the widgets on the bottom,,, can`'t either make the portforlio... is a template already done?. Too many questions, i know... but i'm smashing my head  against to the Wall :(

    I really apreciate your help... Thank you very much.

  •  9,082
    Tahir replied

    Hey Feion,

    Try using the Prebuilt Samples in the Salient Studio : http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/salient-studio/


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • FeionFei replied
