  Public Ticket #1143571
Salient Theme Importer


  • barbershop_io started the conversation

    Hi I just purchased Salient and am having a small issue getting the importer to work due to alot of assets 404ing in the importer. See attached screen. 

    What I know is my directory structure is....




    /wp # wordpress in another directory

    The importer is 404ing by looking for assets at /wp/app/wp-content/themes/salient

    Is there a config setting for your theme when It's installed in another directory? 


  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey Corban,

    Your PHP Settings are likely not correct. Also only the demos added after Salient 8.0 have the complete set of demo images included in the demo-content.xml file . 

    You can verify your PHP configuration limits by installing a simple plugin called WordPress phpinfo http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-php-info/

    Recommended PHP configuration limits are as follows:

    • max_execution_time 60
    • memory_limit 256M
    • post_max_size 48M
    • upload_max_filesize 48M

    Please have your hosting provider fix this for you so it can be installed correctly. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team