  Public Ticket #1177966
Html code in Page header settings doesn't save


  • Poom started the conversation


    In page header settings > page header title, I put an html code there and hit save. It works, but when I go back and edit page. The code I just saved won't be there anymore.

    The screenshot I attached is what is left after I updated and reload the page back again. Most of the code are gone.

    Here is the code I put.

    <img src="http : / /moveitthailand.com/wp-content.......png"><br>YOUR SMART<br>FITNESS EXPERIENCE

    after I save and reload the editing page. here is what's left

    <img src=

    as in the attached image.


  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi Poom,

    Thanks for contacting us regarding your query.

    Unfortunately, this section will not accept HTML codes apart from tags such as <br> <i> <strong> etc.

    Please let me know if there are any more questions that I may answer for you.


  • Poom replied

    Thanks, but the code is actually works on my page. But it just doesn't save once I edit the same page again.

    Is there any recommendation in order to achieve the same result? My requirement is:

    1. Have full screen row option
    2. Can put an image on top of the background (product images as in www.moveitthailand.com)
    3. Can add a button would be nice


  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    To make it save you will have to replace the Double Quotes with Single Quotes .

    Yes there is a Full Height Row Option available so its possible. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Poom replied

    Dear Tahir,

    Thanks ! it's finally saved :D