  Public Ticket #1195878
How do I change the background of my row on different screen sizes?


  • Joshua started the conversation


    I am trying to change the background of my row on tablet. I'd like my rows background to change when the screen shrinks to 768px and below. I have applied an ID on my row and I'm trying to target the BG using a media query:

    @media (max-width: 768px) {
        #HP-Hero-Desktop {
            background-image: url("url of the new backgrond") !important;}


    However, this is not working. Can you help? If there is a better way to change the background of a row  on different screen sizes, please let me know!



  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi Joshua,

    I hope you are having an awesome day and thanks for contacting us regarding your query.

    That's weird. What page is this row on? 

    I'm not seeing anything wrong with the CSS, so I'm not sure why it isn't working. If you could show me the exact row then I'll probably be able to provide you with the right CSS.

    I look forward to your reply 
