  Public Ticket #1283804
Masonry portfolio images slightly stretched


  • arowley started the conversation

    Hi, I've run into an issue with my portfolio images. If you take a look at the front page of my site: http://dev.annasfolio.com/, you'll see that they all appear to be very slightly stretched vertically; the letter 'O' in the word 'MAISON' should be perfectly round for example.

    This effect seems to occur only at larger resolutions - if the site width is scaled to around 460px, the images return to their correct proportions.

    I have tried regenerating thumbnails using both the Regen. Thumbnails and Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugins - both ran successfully but the display didn't change. The Featured Images in each case are uploaded at the sizes advised in the documentation.

    As far as I can tell everything is up to date with the theme.

    Any help on this one would be much appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!

  •  9,072
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Could you see the issue in this screenshot : http://prntscr.com/gd78w3 ?. It seems to appear fine ?. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • arowley replied

    Hey Tahir, thanks for getting back.

    I've attached a screenshot of what I see - I think your screenshots look fine though, and is much like what I see at lower resolutions.

  • arowley replied

    In case it helps, this is happening on a Macbook Pro and also PC laptop, both with retina / hi-res screens.

  •  9,072
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Are you using a Retina Screen ? Try viewing another image from your desktop and it will appear the same . Its an Aspect Ratio issue. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • arowley replied

    Hey Tahir, I'm not sure it's anything to do with the screen itself, as everything else appears at the correct aspect ratio. Also this problem seems to have appeared only recently, so the thumbnails certainly used to appear ok!

    Have a look at the image attached - this shows the thumbnail in question at the larger size, then on the right the same thumbnail in a browser second window which I have scaled to a smaller width, making the smaller thumbnail appear.

    Any ideas appreciated!

    Thanks again for your time.

  •  9,072
    Tahir replied

    The issue only occurs if i resize the page after loading . There is a inline height being added . 

    Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    .portfolio-items[data-col-num="elastic"] .col img {
        height: auto !important;


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  9,072
    Tahir replied

    The gifs are likely causing this as they are not getting resized to the exact dimensions needed . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • arowley replied

    Adding another attachment showing a freshly-created portfolio image with a square and a circle, and showing the comparison between the larger browser window, smaller browser window and the source art in my image editing software

  • arowley replied

    Just saw your (very fast!) reply.

    That CSS looks to have sorted it - thanks loads Tahir!

  • arowley replied

    Looks like there may be an issue with the smaller images now though - I'll recheck all the sizes and let you know if I can''t get them sorted.

  • arowley replied

    Yeah I checked back and the smaller images are now set up to the correct sizes but appear a little shorter than the 'Wide' ones. Any thoughts on this, and thanks again (again) for your help :)

  •  9,072
    Tahir replied

    I cant seem to recreate that in Chrome on Windows. Which browser resolution are you testing in ?. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • arowley replied

    It's approx 1220x746px based on what Chrome says when I resize with the Inspect panel open (but 2x resolution). Running Windows as well

  • arowley replied

    Hi again Tahir - not sure why, but things appear to have sorted themselves out and everything is looking perfect now, so this ticket can be closed. Thanks so much for your help in getting this resolved!

  • arowley replied

    Hey again Tahir... looking again, that last issue I noted isn't actually resolved. Not sure why it may have disappeared temporarily, but is visible on both my PC (2x resolution) and Macbook Pro (Retina).

    So close!... if you need any more screenshots or anything let me know.

    Thanks in advance!

  •  9,072
    Tahir replied

    Could you remove the gif images and see if that fixes it. As they only seem to be the unusual thing that could cause this . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • arowley replied

    Hey Tahir,

    I've removed the featured images from all projects and the issue can still be seen. I've added another attachment. Will keep digging and look for any discrepancies at this end.

  • arowley replied

    OK... and now it looks ok again! So I noticed that the height fix below seemed to be affecting the thumbnail heights on the regular items. I commented it out and went through and readded the featured images one by one, and now (cross fingers) everything appears to be fixed. I'm really not sure what might have caused the issue to begin with, but will check on a few more machines tomorrow and hopefully that's the end of this!

    Thanks again for your time on this issue.