I'm afraid this goes well beyond this. The theme JS is generating something which is blocking the whole form from being interacted with. I tried all setting you suggested and it didn't work.
I have gotten to the bottom of it but have no power to fix it.
Hi There
Recently we have found that a line of JS generated CSS has obscured our web form on the homepage and we are paying for advertising to this page.
--> http://d.pr/i/ojEZrK
The offending line is:
<div id="fws_59af401907344" data-midnight="dark" data-bg-mobile-hidden="" class="wpb_row vc_row-fluid vc_row full-width-section standard_section " style="padding: 0px 90px 40px; visibility: visible; margin-left: -90px;">
It creates a 'block' over the form and prevents users from interacting with it. We don't understand why this happened about mid August out of nowhere.
Please check.
Hey Again,
Try Adjusting the Form Styling Options in the Salient Theme Options Panel :
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hi Tahir
I'm afraid this goes well beyond this. The theme JS is generating something which is blocking the whole form from being interacted with. I tried all setting you suggested and it didn't work.
I have gotten to the bottom of it but have no power to fix it.
See the screenshot for the offending line of code -> https://d.pr/i/u2IxAI
I find when I remove the margin-left in the CSS I am able to access the form again.
Hey Again,
You need to wrap the two columns in here in a Inner Row and it should work correctly : http://prntscr.com/gio8ad .
ThemeNectar Support Team