  Public Ticket #1294177
JS implemented stylesheet issue


  • bencarew started the conversation

    Hi There

    Recently we have found that a line of JS generated CSS has obscured our web form on the homepage and we are paying for advertising to this page.

    --> http://d.pr/i/ojEZrK

    The offending line is:
    <div id="fws_59af401907344" data-midnight="dark" data-bg-mobile-hidden="" class="wpb_row vc_row-fluid vc_row full-width-section standard_section   " style="padding: 0px 90px 40px; visibility: visible; margin-left: -90px;">

    It creates a 'block' over the form and prevents users from interacting with it. We don't understand why this happened about mid August out of nowhere.

    Please check.



  •  9,072
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Try Adjusting the Form Styling Options in the Salient Theme Options Panel : 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • bencarew replied

    Hi Tahir

    I'm afraid this goes well beyond this. The theme JS is generating something which is blocking the whole form from being interacted with. I tried all setting you suggested and it didn't work.

    I have gotten to the bottom of it but have no power to fix it. 

    See the screenshot for the offending line of code -> https://d.pr/i/u2IxAI

    I find when I remove the margin-left in the CSS I am able to access the form again.


  •  9,072
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    You need to wrap the two columns in here in a Inner Row and it should work correctly : http://prntscr.com/gio8ad .


    ThemeNectar Support Team