  Public Ticket #1298072
Portfolio spacing


  • I_DO_ME started the conversation

    I would like to change to portfolio image spacing to 0px - the minimum distance i can choose is 1 px.

  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hey there, 

    Thank you for contacting us. I'd be happy to help. 

    Please provide the page URL so that I can write up the custom css for what's possible.

    Best Regards.

  •   I_DO_ME replied privately
  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hey again, 

    Thank you for providing the URL.

    1) To change to portfolio image spacing to 0px, go to Salient > General Settings > CSS/ Script Related and enter the following code in the Custom CSS Code section: 

    body div.portfolio-items[data-gutter="1px"][data-col-num="elastic"], body .portfolio-items[data-gutter="1px"] .col.elastic-portfolio-item{
      padding: 0px!important;

    2) As it relates to the pagination taking you to the top of the page, we don't have any options  that would allow you to change that at the moment. That's a good feature to have and I'll be sure to add it to the features list for our developers to have a look at for future releases.

    3) Lastly, I'm afraid that would be outside of the scope of our support. Please consider hiring a freelancer over at Envato Studio for these theme customizations as they are not provided as support: http://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy .

    Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions. 

    Best Regards.

  • I_DO_ME replied

    All right! It worked. Thanks for the help ;)

  • Christine replied


    I have  a similar question.

    I would like to change to portfolio image spacing to 10px like in the example in attachment.

    I modified in Salient > Portfolio > Styling > Project Item Spacing > And I choosed 10px .(as you can see in attachment)
    I saved but it didn't work.
    Can you help me please?

    Thanks in advance.

  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hi Celize,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    You can use a CSS code as well. Please send me the link to your website and I'll provide the code for you.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Best regards.

  • Christine replied

    Hi Andrew, 

    Thank you for your reactivity

    How can I anwser you privatly? Because  I would like to give you the password to see the website


    login : celize

  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hi again Celize,

    You can use the 'private' toggle as so:

    However, I'm not sure whether the OP will also see it or not. So I recommend you to create a new ticket and you can set it as a private ticket.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards.

  • Christine replied

    Hi again Andrew,

    I created a new private ticket. It's the #1337143.

    Could you answer me directly there?please

    Best regards,
