  Public Ticket #1310667
help with php.ini


  • Benrw9 started the conversation


    BlueHost is acting as the current host for my wordpress site, TamborDrums.com.  Yesterday, I reached out to BlueHost support because I was unable to load files to the media section of wordpress.  The support rep changed around a few lines of PHP code, and now salient isn't functioning as it should.  

    Basically, I can't activate plugins or log into the wordpress admin site when Salient is listed as the current theme.  It also seems that I can't preview updates to page changes, or log in through the Blue Host wordpress admin portal. Any url with my domain/wp-admin only shows a a white screen when the Salient theme is active. 

    Another BlueHost rep advised that they need information as to what the php.ini file should contain, because it looks like the first rep changed some of the code in that file, which caused the issue.  

    I've only been using Wordpress and Salient for for a few weeks now, so my knowledge of resolving issues related to PHP is very limited.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, because I can't make any changes to my site at the moment! 

    Thank you,


  •  9,072
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    We dont have any specifics to what the php.ini should have as its a server side issue and not in anyway related to the Salient Theme . 

    Please ask the Hosting Rep to switch to the Default php.ini.

    Recommended PHP configuration limits are as follows:

    • max_execution_time 60
    • memory_limit 256M
    • post_max_size 48M
    • upload_max_filesize 48M


    ThemeNectar Support Team