  Public Ticket #1336124
Animated Linea Icon


  • ilcucchiaio started the conversation


    is there a way to add a custom icon to Linea icons and let it animate?

    I try adding icon in to /font/svg folder and than adding 

    'icon_name.svg' => 'icon_name', to tinymcs-class.php file

    but it does not work (it worked in past version of salien)


  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hi ilcucchiaio,

    There is no official guide for addign custom icons to the Linea icons.

    What you will need to do is make sure the actual icon you are trying to add in exists in the font files.

    You can see the names of the icons on the SVG file here salient\css\fonts 

    Try to use those names in the same declarations as in the accompanying CSS files in the same salient\css location.

    Hope you can work it from there because this is not really part of support.