  Public Ticket #1342158
Column - Hide on device


  • a_rutter started the conversation

    Hi, and thanks for the support.

    I know very little of programming and scripting, so I've found the mobile responsive options included in wordpress and Salient extremely helpful.

    However I am having an issue with the feature provided with columns, in the Responsive Options tab, that allows you to hide a column on certain devices.

    I want to be able to have my two columns in my landing page row visible only on desktop, due to hover behavior and image dimensions and so forth. These columns simply don't suit mobile.

    Then, I want to have a separate column nested in this same row that is only visible on mobile. The is column will have mobile friendly appearance and behavior. I can get it to this point, and in the Visual composer it all looks like it will work.

    However, this "mobile only column" we'll call it, has to be in its own row or else it leaves blank white space when hidden that upsets the formatting of the aforementioned "desktop only columns." And here is where the issue is. The column is hidden on the appropriate device, sure enough, but in its place is just a blank white page. An empty row.

    I understand why this is happening, but I would like to find a way to work around it. Or maybe, even, you could help me find a better alternative entirely -- my end goal being that I can pick and choose what columns and rows will be rendered on desktop, and which will be rendered on mobile.

    Thanks so much.

  •  9,070
    Tahir replied

    Hey A,

    Please have a look at this Article :Hiding Rows on Mobile / Desktop in Visual Composer.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • a_rutter replied

    Thanks so much! I actually saw that article earlier and clearly didn't look closely enough. Thanks again.