  Public Ticket #1346045
RSS feed in footer


  • Sid Herron started the conversation

    We're running v7.5.02. I know you're up to v8.5 now, but the odd thing is that our WP instance is telling us that all our themes are up to date. Be that as it may, we are trying to use the RSS feed widget in "footer 4" to pull in entries from our blog. As best I can tell, the URL we've set in the widget is correct (https://www.xiologix.com/feed), but there's an error showing up in the theme customization page that says "RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate," no actual blog posts are displayed in the footer, and clicking on the RSS feed icon simply reloads whatever page you're on.

  •  9,069
    Tahir replied

    Hey Sid, 

    This is likely a server configuration issue so you will have to contact the hosting provider and inquire about this . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team