  Public Ticket #1363485
botton Color


  • Florence started the conversation

    I am using visual composer with Salient.  How do I change the color of the buttons.  Do I have to use CSS.

  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hi Florence,

    Which specific buttons because the button element from salient visual composer will allow this in the settings i.e. the button color option on the settings.

    Could you specify which specific buttons you are referring to and if possible a direct link to where they are on your site.


  • Florence replied


    On the 1 st footer, the button for sign up is blue and I want to know where in the salient visual composer these values can be changed.

    When i add a text do I need to give it a class?   for things like h1, 

    I see the arrows have an accent class and I assume that refers to  the "accent color" menu .

    Where are the options?  

    Thank you.  I have a lot of redo and start up questions.

  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hi Florence,

    That button will use the accent color options.
    You can use this CSS to change the color:

           background-color:red !important;

    For the arrows use this CSS:

         color:red !important;

    Add it to salient \ general settings - css script related - custom css code.

    Please note that that button is not really part of the theme and it seems to be some form code you added to a text widget added to the footer and you should get help on that button from the developers of that code.

    Hope this clears things up.