  Public Ticket #1371482
Updated Visual Composer // Not Working Now


  • AndrewMulcahy started the conversation


    I updated VC to 5.2.2 and now I can't save any changes I make to my pages

    I deactivated and re-activate VC and although it shows when editing my pages, I cannot save any changed that I make 

    I can close out of the pop-up boxes, but the "Save Changes" button does not work.

    I can move around blocks and click "Update" on my pages and nothing updates.

  • Daan replied

    I have exactly the same please help

  • Rebel59 replied

    Salient VC 5.2.3 is bundled with the newest Salient Theme.

  •  9,068
    Tahir replied


    Your PHP Settings are likely not correct. Also ensure you are running the Latest PHP version.

    You can verify your PHP configuration limits by installing a simple plugin called WordPress phpinfo http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-php-info/

    Recommended PHP configuration limits are as follows:

    • max_execution_time 60
    • memory_limit 256M
    • post_max_size 48M
    • upload_max_filesize 48M

    Please have your hosting provider fix this for you so it can be installed correctly. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team