  Public Ticket #1378393
Updating my Salient Theme


  • chiro865 started the conversation

    I have been looking into updating my site and realized I was not on the most recent version of Wordpress or Salient Theme. I am now up dated to WP 4.9, however, Salient is at Version 4.1. I would like help updating my version of Salient to 8.5. What are the best steps to do this? I already have a back up. I read an article which pointed me to download the Salient Archive These, however, I cannot find it. Please advise... 

    Thank you,

    Steve and Craig

  •  9,017
    Tahir replied


    Please update to Salient Theme Version 8.5.3 and Salient VC 5.2.4. 

    If you are not seeing the Plugin Update Notification you need to uncheck the " Disable Theme Reccomended Plugin Notifications " Field in "Salient Theme Options Panel"  -> General Settings -> "Toggle Theme Features" Section .

    To get a list of Bug Fixes and new Feature addons in the Latest Theme update,  the changelog can be viewed here : http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .

    Update the theme by following this guide: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating-salient/ .


    ThemeNectar Support Team