  Public Ticket #1392927
General Question - Best Practices


  • Alex started the conversation

    This is my first experience with your theme. I have been using themes from another company previously, but the salient demos look very good.

    I have a pretty much clean blog with only about a dozen or so posts of legacy content (that can be deleted if I have to) and I have installed your theme. A general question on the best way to start.... 

    1) Should I download a demo I like and re purpose the various components in the demo to my needs (menu names, replace images, etc)

    2) Or should I start from scratch and not re-purpose a demo?

    Thanks for your help with this n00b quastion...

  •  3,067
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in,

    The best way is to import your favorite demo so it comes with the design and styling that suited your picking of it. This way your productivity is also faster. The theme through the Salient visual composer lets you customize everything the way you want so you are free to change the layout as much as you want.


    Hope this helps,


  • Alex replied

    Thanks for the prompt reply. If I import multiple demos to try them out, how do I delete the ones I choose not to use? Or does importing a demo completely wipe the previous one by default?

  •  9,070
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    You will have to manually delete the content . However the Theme Options Settings are overwritten with each demo import. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team