  Public Ticket #1399497


  • Jessie started the conversation

    Hi, i want to start building my website but i have the idea that i use the old or wrong page builder. Wordpress and Salient are both updated, but, for example, i can't put the fancy box into a page. I don't have the page builder that i put into the related URL section, but i have a different builder. 

  •  3,067
    Andrew replied

    Hi Jessie,

    To clarify the page builder is the salient visual composer plugin that comes included with the theme.
    Check your plugins area and make sure the plugin is active and is the latest version 5.2.4.

    If its not there then install it from appearance \ install plugins.

    The latest version of salient theme is 8.5.3.
    If the salient VC is active then it should be available on the edit page area. Sometimes you might need to click the pagebuilder button to expose the visual composer editor.
    And adding an element will be through the + icon.

    The above is to clarity the page builder \ salient visual composer because you message is not all that clear.
    If we missed the point here then clarify with exact details please. 

  • Jessie replied



    what i meant was that my page builder looks very different than the URL that i have send with my ticket. The page builder i have right now (Yes, it's up-to-date) looks different and even harder. I found this element builder http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/element-overview/ but i can't find this one on my wordpress.

  •  3,067
    Andrew replied

    Hi Jessie,

    What you are saying is a bit strange and you did not state the version number on your salient visual composer plugin.

    See attached screenshot.

    Click.png - click that + icon to expose the add element window i.e. http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/element-overview/

    button.png - if the visual composer editor is not on that page then you button should say page builder. Click page builder to expose the visual composer editor.

    Hope you have enabled the salient visual composer plugin first from plugins area for all the above to work.