  Public Ticket #1399947
Site Title Font Color


  • rogeroldham started the conversation

    When I'm using a nectar slider on the homepage with a slide that has slide font color set to dark, the site title disappears altogether in mobile view. How can I fix this?

  •  9,070
    Tahir replied


    Please provide the page url so that i can write up the custom css for whats possible.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   rogeroldham replied privately
  •  9,070
    Tahir replied

    By Default the Dark Slider changes the Header color or logo as well if you have this option selected: http://prntscr.com/hmeoqj .

    If you dont want to turn it off add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    #header-outer.transparent.dark-slide > header#top #logo {
        color: #fff !important;


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • rogeroldham replied

    Thanks Tahir. I checked, but didn't have that option selected.

    Your CSS does part of the job, but I need the Site Title font to:

    - be dark when the page loads (tablet and desktop)

    - be light (or orange #d8521d) when the page loads (mobile)

  •  9,070
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Did you try adjusting these fields : http://prntscr.com/hmfaja . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team