How can i align left, all Content ist align right?
Is it possible to align left as Standard? How i can align right if i want do do it in some areas? How i can align center if i want do do it in some areas?
In order to align right just click on a specific element and on the settings tab scroll down to align and set it to your preference. Here's an example for text;
How can i align left, all Content ist align right?
Is it possible to align left as Standard?
How i can align right if i want do do it in some areas?
How i can align center if i want do do it in some areas?
Hey there,
Thanks for reaching in,
In order to align right just click on a specific element and on the settings tab scroll down to align and set it to your preference. Here's an example for text;
Hope this helps,
Is it possible to align left as Standard?
For all Text, H1 - H6 eg.
it ist wrong "right = right" // left = right // center = center" i think somebody do it in central style wring in our page.
Here ist the Screen, ok i fexed left right problem