  Public Ticket #1404935
Help with features


  • Swordwalker started the conversation


    I'm a new customer, and I'm finding the amount of options and features quite overwhelming. I would appreciate it very much if someone could assist me in setting things up, or at least some basic stuff. 

    For starters, the content I'll have on the site will be in three types: images of digital works I've done (3D), videos of character turntables (3D again) and written works (I write short stories).

    I bought this theme because of how responsive and amazing everything can look, but I'm a bit overwhelmed with all of it. 

    Any help would be amazing!


  •  3,072
    Andrew replied

    Hi Swordwalker,

    What we can recommend is you install a demo i.e. salient \ demo importer and then go from there.

    For the images you can use a regular gallery on a page or create portfolio items to show case in a portfolio grid. For the ideos you can do the same i.e. create portfolio elements from the portfolio \ add new area.

    For the written works then regular posts should do the job i.e. posts \ add new.
    The docs are located here http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/ and should have most of what you need.


  • Swordwalker replied

    Hello Andrew.

    First of all, thank you very much and I apologize for the late reply.

    I have been working hard at it and am VERY pleased with this theme, I do have a few questions though if you could assist me.

    I bought this theme through the envato market and had the option envato hosting selected. However, I have been charged only 25 ish dollars while the theme itself is 70 ish. Could you explain this? Am I paying this in a monthly fee until it reaches the 70 goal? If so, what then?

    Secondly, I can't seem to find the place to download both the archive and the user guide document. The reason I need these is 1 - for safety purposes 2- so I can consult the documents for sizes resolutions and many more I require. 

    Any ideas?

    Thanks again!

    Edit: I just saw that downloads will be available after third payment, is there at least any way I can get the user guide document so I can have a list of the sizes for images in all the elements? Thumbnails, portfolio featured images etc etc?

  •  3,072
    Andrew replied

    Hi Swordwalker,

    1) About the pricing, you will need to take that up with Envato as they handle that.

    2) There isn't a list for recommended sizes to use. What you can do is upload consistently sizes i.e. images that are near the same size for your posts etc. Use the demos as an example to what sizes you need.

    The theme doesn't really use any images beyond 1700 px wide as that is more that enough.