  Public Ticket #1411946


  • scottevansny started the conversation

    Hi there. Trying to edit the theme and following tutorials. struggling. was hoping for more of a template to work off of. is that a possibility? below is the error that I am receiving as i am doing the tutorial. 

    when i try to activate the plugin this is what i get:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Vc_Manager in /home/content/97/10964997/html/sup/wp-content/plugins/js_composer_salient/js_composer.php on line 37

    Any help is so appreciated!

  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hi scottevansny,

    We do not really offer support with customization but what is the modification you are making?
    The file containing class Vc_Manager weems to be included a second time in the runtime.

    What do you mean by this statement - . was hoping for more of a template to work off of. 

  • Scott replied

    I am just trying to install and activate the plugins that came with the theme that I purchased. I am getting this error that I posted below. Can you look at it again and tell me how to fix it. That is the important thing. I can’t use the theme without it. 

    Thank you.   

  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hi Scott,

    Sorry for the misunderstanding - we thought you were editing theme files i.e. modifications.

    Could you make sure you are using PHP 5.6 or higher on your server with a PHP memory limit set to 128 MB and above. You can confirm this with your hosting provider support.

    If this checks out then try and reinstall the plugin i.e. delete it from plugins then install it from appearance \ install plugins. If that does not work then respond with temporary admin access - username password with admin privileges - we check this from the backend. Also link to the site.
