  Public Ticket #1421834
Can't save changes in Page Builder mode


  • richwoodmarketing started the conversation

    Trying to make changes to text block but won't let me hit save changes.

    Also shows the code at the top of the visual composer pop up box for text block.

    I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.<\/p>","vc_single_param_edit_holder_class":["vc_col-xs-12","wpb_el_type_textarea_html","vc_wrapper-param-type-textarea_html","vc_shortcode-param","vc_column"]}">Text

  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Please update to Salient Theme Version 8.5.3 and VC to 5.2.4. 

    If you are not seeing the Plugin Update Notification you need to uncheck the " Disable Theme Reccomended Plugin Notifications " Field in "Salient Theme Options Panel"  -> General Settings -> "Toggle Theme Features" Section .

    Salient VC 4.9.2 and earlier users will need to delete the plugin from your plugins section in the WordPress admin panel before installing the current version in Appearance > Install Plugins - This is necessary due to a bug in the Salient VC 4.9.2 which prevents regular updating.

    To get a list of Bug Fixes and new Feature addons in the Latest Theme update,  the changelog can be viewed here : http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .

    Update the theme by following this guide: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating-salient/


  • richwoodmarketing replied


    Did all of this and I'm still getting the same problem.

    Can you provide anymore help?

  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in,

    Seems like some sort of plugin conflict. Have you tried plugin compatibility test. Please try deactivating your third party plugins one by one while clearing your cache each time in order to figure out if one of them is causing this.

    Hope this helps,


  • richwoodmarketing replied

    i got it. thanks