  Public Ticket #1428341
z index/translateY creating extra space at bottom of page


  • Incorporate_Design started the conversation


    I'm using the z-index feature in a row section (please see image 1) with a Translate Y value of -80, so by 80 pixels the row section is pushed up and overlapped on to the previous section. please also see bottom of page here just before the footer here: http://incorporatedesign.co.uk.gridhosted.co.uk/why-us/

    As a result of this i'm seeing the same 80 pixel added/generated to the bottom of the page (before the footer section) giving me an odd white space (please see image 2) as if by using  translate Y there is a compromise in a way that whatever value i'm using the same value will be added to the bottom of the page. It happens everywhere.

    Can this be eliminated somehow so the white space disappears and the orange call-to-action section is butted up to the footer when scrolled to the bottom?? The white space is very compromising to my design.


  •   Incorporate_Design replied privately
  •  9,068
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Instead of TranslateY use a Negative Margin in the columns : http://prntscr.com/hzeye9 as thats how the demo page is created . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Incorporate_Design replied

    ok.thank you. will test it and come back to you.

  • Incorporate_Design replied

    both is needed. just tested it. it is a lot of faffing about to balance the page, but there is no other way i think.

    thanks for your help again. please close the ticket for this thread.