  Public Ticket #143041
Linear Icons


  • Francisco started the conversation
    Hi! I would like to use, for my "Services" page, icons like in: http://themenectar.com/demo/salient/tell-your-story/ ¿Should I use "icon" shortcode, or should I use "image with animation" shortcode? I think it's the second option, but I really don't see the icons. I have installed Salient 1.9. Thanks a lot!
  •  1,043
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Francisco if you update to the latest version of the theme you'll have those icons in the icon shortcode as options. Once you're on that version, enter this into your editor to get the layout:

    [one_third animation="Fade In" delay="0"] [one_sixth animation="Grow In" delay="200"] [icon color="Accent-Color" size="regular" image="steadysets-icon-bucket"][/one_sixth]
    <h3>Design To Brag About</h3>
    Phasellus enim libero, blandit vel sapien vitae, condimentum ultricies magna et. Quisque euismod orci ut et lobortis aliquam. Aliquam in tortor enim.
    [one_third animation="Fade In" delay="200"] [one_sixth animation="Grow In" delay="400"] [icon color="Accent-Color" size="regular" image="linecon-icon-lab"] [/one_sixth]
    <h3>Completely Customizable</h3>
    Phasellus enim libero, blandit vel sapien vitae, condimentum ultricies magna et. Quisque euismod orci ut et lobortis aliquam. Aliquam in tortor enim.
    [one_third_last animation="Fade In" delay="400"] [one_sixth animation="Grow In" delay="600"] [icon color="Accent-Color" size="regular" image="steadysets-icon-atom"] [/one_sixth]
    <h3>Loaded With Power</h3>
    Phasellus enim libero, blandit vel sapien vitae, condimentum ultricies magna et. Quisque euismod orci ut et lobortis aliquam. Aliquam in tortor enim.
