I bought the salient package and I'm exploring the features and implementing on my wordpress website.
two things I need to know: About the popular nectar windget post. I would like to know how to enter the option to also select posts by categories with the style "hover featured image Gradient and Counter"; and in the video settings option of pagebuilder, I'd like to know how to insert a url of video directly from youtube, without having to upload the video to my library. I tried to do this but the video did not show up. Thanks!
on the "popular nectar windget post" will you have to tell me how do I create the option to select categories? "and on the other windgets would you have to select more than one category of posts to be displayed? thank you so much!
Sorry but i cant seem to understand what you are requesting . If it is a feature that is not available i am afraid it cant be added with some code snippet .
Hey guys!
I bought the salient package and I'm exploring the features and implementing on my wordpress website.
two things I need to know:
About the popular nectar windget post. I would like to know how to enter the option to also select posts by categories with the style "hover featured image Gradient and Counter";
in the video settings option of pagebuilder, I'd like to know how to insert
a url of video directly from youtube, without having to upload the video to
my library. I tried to do this but the video did not show up.
Hey Again,
I am afraid both options are not available in Salient . Youtube videos can only be used in the Row Backgrounds and not Page Headers .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey Tahir!
on the "popular nectar windget post" will you have to tell me how do I create the option to select categories? "and on the other windgets would you have to select more than one category of posts to be displayed?
thank you so much!
Hey Again,
Sorry but i cant seem to understand what you are requesting . If it is a feature that is not available i am afraid it cant be added with some code snippet .
ThemeNectar Support Team