  Public Ticket #143823
Portfolio attributes on full width portfolio-item


  • Mathias Rando started the conversation

    How can I get the attributes(checked under the portfolio items) to show on a full width item? The ones that normally show up in the sidebar. Do I have to include a new function or something? By the way, it's a really great theme you've created.

  •  1,097
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Mathias!

    You can just create a normal bullet point list of items in your editor and then switch to the text tab and add the class ”project-attrs” and “checks” to it like this:

    <ul class="project-attrs checks"> 

    then just add this to your custom css box and you’ll have the same look :)

    .project-attrs li { 
       border-bottom: 1px solid #E6E6E6; 
       list-style: none outside none; 
       padding: 8px 0; 


  • Mathias Rando replied

    Thank you for the answer.

    I've tried it, but it doesn't put any data/LI's inside the UL, when I load the page. Does it have to with the fact that I'm developing on localhost/MAMP? Database works fine though.

    You can see how I've done it - and how it displays - in the attached files.


  •  1,097
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again - 

    no, the attributes won't get added in automatically, I was just giving you a way to enter the attributes manually and keep the same style by giving the ul the correct classes. You would still need to enter them in like so:

    <ul class="project-attrs checks"> 
      <li>Attribute 1 </li> 
      <li>Attribute 2 </li>

    Cheers :)

  • Mathias Rando replied

    Oh okay. Thanks for helping out ;-)