  Public Ticket #1444297
Woo Commerce seems to duplicate products on my shop page?


  • eilishf started the conversation

    Hey :) 

    I've been working on my shop and for some reason when i link up the specific page to woo commerce, all the products display twice. I have 12 products in total. 

    You'll notice that the first 12 items don't respond to sorting (is high to low price), whereas where the 12 items are repeated further down the page, these ones do respond to sorting. 

    Also, i've noticed that the shopping cart icon isn't displaying in the nav bar even tho i have it activated in the Salient>woo commerce settings panel. 

    Your advice would be much appreciated! Thanks :) 

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in,

    Seems like some sort of plugin conflict. Have you tried plugin compatibility test. Please try deactivating your third party plugins one by one while clearing your cache each time in order to figure out if one of them is causing this.

    Hope this helps,


  • eilishf replied

    Hey Andrew, 

    I've tried that but not had any luck :/ Any other things I can try?

    I've read on some websites that it can be a problem with the product image... so i took the product image off one of the products, reset the cache, the product page still lists twice. It also says 'Showing all 15 results' - so it's like the first 15 are invisible... 

    Thanks :)

  •  9,085
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again, Hope you had a Great Weekend, 

    Please update to Salient Theme Version 8.5.3 and Salient VC 5.2.4. 

    If you are not seeing the Plugin Update Notification you need to uncheck the " Disable Theme Reccomended Plugin Notifications " Field in "Salient Theme Options Panel"  -> General Settings -> "Toggle Theme Features" Section .

    To get a list of Bug Fixes and new Feature addons in the Latest Theme update,  the changelog can be viewed here : http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .

    Update the theme by following this guide: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating-salient/ .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • eilishf replied

    Hey! hope you did too! 

    I'll try that now, will it affect the website i've built? Obviously i'll make a back up, but when i update will all my content/settings stay the same?

  •  9,085
    Tahir replied

    Yes the content and settings should stay the same . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • eilishf replied


    So i've updated the theme as instructed, but nothing has changed :( 

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    I hope you are having an awesome day and thanks for contacting us regarding your query.

    I suggest you test your customization on the child theme by deactivating the child theme. See if there's anything on your customization causing this. 

    Let me know how it goes!