  Public Ticket #1447978
Flix box


  • Vanesa started the conversation

    Hello, I have some images that I want to highlight using the flip box, how can I make the size of the flip box exactly the size of the image?

    My english is not perfect.

     Thank you

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi Vanesa,

    Apologies for the late reply.

    You can set the images as the background for the front and back side on the flip box settings. Then set a minimum height also on the general settings tab of the flip box settings. That minimum height should be the height of your images.

    Hope this helps.

  • Vanesa replied

    Thanks for your help, could you tell me:

    With which css name can I change the size of the hotspots?

     I need to make them bigger, because people do not see them.

    I know you donĀ“t offer a customizer help. 

    But is a small question. 

    I am using .nectar-hotspot, but  now I do not know how to center the  plus sign +

    .nectar_hotspot {
        width: 48px !important;
        height: 48px !important;

    I hope you help me, I promise it's the last question I ask you for longer.

    My english is not perfect.

    Thanks, I will be looking forward to hearing back from you. 

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi Vanesa,

    Could we have a link to this page with the image with hotspots so that we can write the CSS off from the page.
