  Public Ticket #144841
Testimonial cut-off in Accordion


  • Prms started the conversation

    Hi if you place a Testimonial slider into an Accordion, it will be shown only partly, until the next slide comes in and the Accordion resizes to fit the full text. Preview: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5socth121knwqix/Screenshot%202014-01-09%2004.40.34.png

    Of course we all love a "Guess the word" game once in a while, but still... Could this be fixed please? :)

    Example code (just for illustrating the setup): 

    [toggles accordion="true"]
    	[toggle title="PASSIONS" color="Extra-Color-1" id="b1"]
    		[testimonial_slider autorotate="2500"]


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Prms,

    i'll note to look into this but general elements that vary in height or need to resize their height dynamically will pose problems when nested in others which have variable height as well.

    Cheers :)

  • Prms replied

    Hi ThemeNectar,

    Thanks for the response.

    I understand something related to dynamic sizing is behind this, but from a user perspective the testimonial slider doesn't resize?

    And as you probably noticed it's only an issue on the initial slide, so I do hope this can be fixed.

    Thanks in advance.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Yes, I hope to take care of it for the release coming out in a few days :)


  • Prms replied

    Great, good busy ThemeNectar! 

    Just awarded your theme with a 5-star rating - this support is worth even 6 stars I think :)

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Thanks so much Prms! I'm glad to report that this problem should be fixed in v3.0 :)


  • Prms replied

    Hey ThemeNectar, I just updated but I don't think this issue is actually fixed?

    A change did happen though, but not for the better :'( because now the carousel selector also drops out of the accordion!


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again prms, could you lend me a URL where this happens so I can check it out?

    Cheers :)

  • Prms replied

    Hey there Nectar Birdie ;-)

    I'm still working locally on this, so let me get something up for you in a day or two – it's too much trouble to update my database again in the transition goin on right now.

    NOTE: I just noticed some additional issues with the accordion, look at how the content seems to be dropping out of the flow when nested in a tabbed box. These changes happend just by updating to version 3.0, I don't use custom css for this and I didn't update to WP3.8.1 yet.

    OLD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6bu231zwfb335vb/Screenshot%202014-01-24%2013.36.05.png
    NEW: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3tcyxjn0ylmqu1f/Screenshot%202014-01-24%2013.36.13.png

    CODE (partly):

    [tab title="Booking" id="t1"]
    [toggles accordion="true"] [toggle title="How do I book" color="Accent-Color" id="b1"] Just go <a href="http://localhost:8888/url" title="booking request">here</a> and request. [/toggle]
    [toggle title="I have some more questions. Can I call you?" color="Accent-Color" id="b2"] Day and night. [/toggle][/toggles]


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Thanks for the update - i'll sure to fix this conflict for the upcoming minor bug fix release :)

  • Prms replied

    Thanks, looking forward to your fix... 

    Let's hope you can then also take care of that other thing with the testimonial in accordion!
    I was finally able to upload a test install for you to check out here (note that this page itself also explains the issue again)

    Let me know if you got any questions :)

  • Prms replied

    update: the recent 3.0.5 update did not solve this issue.
    (but it did solve that other issue with accordions in tabs)

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again Prms!

    Try just adding this into your Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel:

    body .toggle div {
        padding: 10px 14px 40px !important;


  • Prms replied

    Aiaiaiaiai! That's making things even worse.... feel like i'm tripping.

    Try it out yourself please!

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    From my end it has corrected the issue - checked in Chrome/Firefox. Can you provide me a screenshot real quick of what you're seeing?

    Thanks :)

  • Prms replied

    Okay, just to be clear: the testimonial isn't cut off any longer when adding bottom-padding (naturally) with your custom CSS code. But this code causes more problems than it actually solves.

    This CSS triggers the following issues:

    1. Stuttering when opening/closing accordions, effecting seemingly the whole page as you can see this video.
    2. Redundant white space at the bottom of the testimonial slider, but also within every accordion on the site.

    Here's also a reference video displaying how smooth the interaction is when I just remove those lines of code again.
    But of course, then there's the cut-off testimonial slides again :'(

    Hope to hear from you soon, this thing is starting to become a real pain!

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again,

    remove the last snippet and use this instead:

    .toggles .testimonial_slider {
        padding-bottom: 20px!important;
    .toggles .testimonial_slider .controls {
       bottom: 2px!important;

    Should be specific enough to not mess up anything else :)


  • Prms replied

    Hey I'm afraid this hack with extra padding is not a solution...
    The problem with the cut-off of testimonial slider is still there AND it does still make the expand-animation of the accordion somewhat 'hicky'.

    I will post another video soon, but wanted to let you know asap.

  • Prms replied

    Okay, here's another screencapture with your most recent css in place: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ljidyhz9rnhu8p/SalientBugTestimonial-desktop.m4v

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hello again,

    1. It's not a hack - it's precisely correcting the spacing issue brought on the toggle. It's impossible for that css alone to cause your toggles to have a jumpy animation because it's very specifically targeting only the testimonial element and not the toggle itself like the prior snippet. My guess is that you left the old snippet in there at the time possibly since I've tested your URL in Firefox, Chrome and IE with consistent smooth results on the toggle animation. This was only recorded at 30fps so it might not look perfect http://www.screencast.com/t/YYvmzlnT but I can assure you it is.

    2. Let's go over some more history on this issue some more since you seem to be taking this as horrible support judging from your decreasing rating every time I come back to help - since Salient 1.0 a slider whose height is dynamically calculated and can change at anytime per slide would not inherently work in an element whose height is set to 0 to start such as a toggle. Only a few people (maybe 5 or less out of 11k) have ever asked about this before and I've been forward with them and told them that which they accepted with no harsh feelings because it's the truth. (There's a reason why you can't add the testimonial slider through the page builder into a toggle). But when you asked about it, I figured I'd help you out just because. I could've left it at that same answer since this element was not meant to go into where you want it, but I still want to help you because it upsets me when my buyers are unhappy.

    3. The only issue remaining is the fact that you have an ridiculously high autorotate timing  which is breaking the initial calculations of the fix I made for you in 3.0.5. If you can accept the compromise of turning your autorotate off, I can't see there being any further issues. Please do let me know if you're still experiencing any mysterious choppy animation though.

    Cheers :)

  • Prms replied

    Hi thanks for your elaborate response. Let me answer your points step-by-step.

    1. FIXED. The last code you provided was the only thing in there. But the recording you made looks good indeed, so I just removed the code, cleaned the cache, re-inserted the code, cleaned cache again and re-tested in both Chrome and Safari. The minor 'hickyness' is gone indeed... Yah! So this must have been some caching issue... So sorry about that!

    2. Thanks for your feedback. I really DO appreciate the effort, let me start with that. 

    • On January 13 you told me "Yes, I hope to take care of it for the release coming out in a few days". Unfortunately, the release did not fix the thing I was mentioning. Because I think your support in general is actually AMAZING, maybe this is why I was actually a bit surprised I got that initial padding 'hack', which obviously was breaking more than it fixed.
    • Also, I steadily provided input and feedback but the issue has been open for about a month now without a solution to my OP, so â€‹I did feel the support on this specific issue was quite bad.
    • I'm sorry if this upset you, it was never my purpose.

    3. I DO actually need the autorotate.

    • It was indeed set 'ridiculously high' ;-) I only did that to quickly display the cutoff issue (else you'd have to wait too long to check) – updated that to 5000.
    • However, from what I now understand in your previous message is that you tried to make a fix that works SPECIFICALLY when the autorotate is off?
    • I guess I missed that memo, because this issue IS related to autorotate. (I just went back a backup of initial version 3.0 and noticed that the issue in my OP is not even happening with autorotate OFF?).
      So I guess I assumed the fix was actually for the issue in my original use-case... (with autorotate on.... cause what else was it for?)
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Unfortunately autorotate makes the problem even more complicated than it already is since every rotate is trying to calculate the height of the testimonial div again and that's not possible when the height is hidden while the toggle is closed (will always result in a 0 height). More custom development would be required to alter the way the testimonial slider autorotate function works - most likely not allowing it to rotate unless the toggle is open, but I believe it's a fair compromise to leave it off for this situation. :)

  • Prms replied

    Hi okay I get your point. Too bad... :'(
    Still wondering though: what fix did you actually refer to that "you made for me in 3.0.5"? 
    Because as I said: this issue was never occuring with autorotate OFF in 3.0 in the first place...

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Sorry, I meant v3.0 -

    v3.0.5 encompassed the fix I did with toggles inside of the tabbed element which you reported and on a related note, fixed video embeds used in toggles (not sure if you reported that one though) and now v3.1 has included the:

    .toggles .testimonial_slider {
        padding-bottom: 20px!important;
    .toggles .testimonial_slider .controls {
       bottom: 2px!important;

    css to sort the spaicing at the bottom when using the testimonial slider in toggles :)

  • Prms replied

    okay, thanks for your elaboration.

  • Prms replied

    GOOD NEWS: I fixed this issue with autorotate!

    After you explained me clearly what you changed, I was able to locate and debug the problem.
    The actual change to the code is pretty trivial, but I propose you first check it carefully and include in the next update? I'll be happy to "donate" this little fix to your great theme so please let me know if you want that :)


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Sure Prms! What did you change?

  • Prms replied

    Hi there,

    You can just add the following condition statement to the testimonialRotate() function in init.js :

    if( slider.parents('.toggle').hasClass('open')) {}

    the final function will look like this:

    function testimonialRotate(slider){
    	var $testimonialLength = slider.find('li').length;
    	var $currentTestimonial = slider.find('.pagination-switch.active').parent().index();
    	if( slider.parents('.toggle').hasClass('open')) {
    		if( $currentTestimonial+1 == $testimonialLength) {
    			slider.find('ul li:first-child').click();
    		} else {

    Please update me when / if you've added this to the codebase :)


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Noted for the next release :)


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    That would break the testimonial slider autorotate in all areas outside of toggles by the way, but I'll see if I can't refine it :)

  • Prms replied

    Ha, okay well I'm glad you could take another look. At least it was a good start :)