  Public Ticket #1455086
Parent pages with submenus not accessible on mobile


  • Dave started the conversation

    We figure this HAS to have come up so often that you'll already have a solution. 

    On mobile, you can't get to a parent page in the main navigation if it has a submenu. It always opens the sub-menu. We've solved this many times before with drop down UI's on mobile, but we're not sure the easiest solution on your theme UI.

    1. Do you already have a way to let users have click options on mobile so they can either open the parent page or submenu? Or to have the parent page appear again in that submenu only for mobile (aka done via code and not within WP Menus globally)? 

    2. If not, what do you normally recommend for this UI problem? 

    We know we can move the parent page to the sub-menu for all devices, converting the main menu link solely to a drop down. But we don't want to add the extra step for users and the current parent page content belongs where it is. So this isn’t a viable solution.

    The only other alternatives we've come up with are the options listed in #1 above. 

    Again, this is such a big UI issue that we’re really hoping you’ve already have instructions or hacks we can easily integrate without having to figure out a bug free way to hack a core WP functionality like Menus... that would likely get lost with every WP or major theme update.

  •  9,084
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Simply use this option :http://prntscr.com/i94d90  .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Dave replied

    Great, I knew it had to already be solved :)

  • Dave replied

    Actually, that option isn't in our theme, which is why I didn't see it. Glad it was solved. We'll update the theme. Thanks.