When using Masonry Blog style, dates and likes don't show up for my blog https://www.inknotes.com/wishlist/. This is an almost exact copy of my old site for the old version of my product http://www.scrble.com/wishlist/ where date and likes show correctly. I did copy all configurations, but nothing seems to fix the issue. Could you please help?
When using Masonry Blog style, dates and likes don't show up for my blog https://www.inknotes.com/wishlist/. This is an almost exact copy of my old site for the old version of my product http://www.scrble.com/wishlist/ where date and likes show correctly. I did copy all configurations, but nothing seems to fix the issue. Could you please help?
Hey Claudia,
Try Changing the Theme Skin in here : http://prntscr.com/idn1qe .
ThemeNectar Support Team
I tried all three skins but the problem is still there :(
You can see the blog has now the skin you suggested in the image, and still no date and likes https://www.inknotes.com/wishlist/
Dates and likes only show up when I switch to the standard view, but I would really like to use the Masonry.
Hey Again,
Did you try changing the Blog Style in here : http://prntscr.com/ie5yat ?.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Yes, I try ALL options, but non of them shows the like. Material show the date, but still no likes, which is what I really am trying to get.
Hey there,
Thanks for reaching in,
The theme has updated ever since to Version 8.5.4. Could you please update and let me know how this goes. http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating-salient/
Hope this helps,
Yes! Finally the latest update has fixed the problem. Thanks!!