I'm really looking for something that will work on a case by case basis. The global setting just doesn't look good in some places. Is there a way to override it?
The only workaround we could think of is the use of custom CSS but you will need to add special identifiers i.e. CSS ID or class to target the button on a case by case basis if that is what you want.
You can add that css identifier to the form and then target the button in the form with the CSS to give it the look your want. If you can add the css identifier to the button then that's even better.
How can I change the styling of submit buttons on my website to be the same as the see though solid on hover alt (see-through-3) style?
Hi there,
Apologies for the late reply.
Could you use the salient \ form styling - submit button style - nectar button see through option?
I'm really looking for something that will work on a case by case basis. The global setting just doesn't look good in some places. Is there a way to override it?
Hi there,
The only workaround we could think of is the use of custom CSS but you will need to add special identifiers i.e. CSS ID or class to target the button on a case by case basis if that is what you want.
You can add that css identifier to the form and then target the button in the form with the CSS to give it the look your want. If you can add the css identifier to the button then that's even better.
Hope you can implement this.