  Public Ticket #147381
testimonials full width section fixed size


  • Alice started the conversation
    Hi there! Me again ;-) Wishing you (all) a happy new year! I was wondering if it is possible to fix the height of the testimonial section even though the testimonial phrases have different lengths? at this moment everything beneath the testimonial section keeps jumping whenever it adjusts to the length of the sentences. especially on small monitors or smart phones it's a little bumpy and makes reading whatever comes beneath quite difficult ;-) Thanx for your advice! *alice.
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Alice!

    You could enter this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salinet Options panel:

    .testimonial_slider .slides {
      height: 300px!important;

    You would just need to adjust that height to be whatever makes sense on your setup - it also will most like require media queries for each viewport as it will need to get larger the smaller the screen gets:

    @media only screen 
    and (max-width : 690px) {
      body .testimonial_slider .slides { 
        height: 450px!important; 


  • Alice replied

    You are the Greatest :-) Thank you ever soooo much ...

  • Fake replied

    Hey ThemeNectar,

    I did the above but lost the three dots at the bottom. Any idea how I can keep these but still have a fixed height dependent on the longest testimonial?


  • Alice replied

    Hi, I'm NOT from ThemeForest ;-) but have you tried to enlargen the pixel height? Maybe your testimonials are simply longer than the height you have written into the css box ... try a larger number. Might help. If not you need to ask ThemForest support.

    good luck,


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Alice, thanks so much for helping out Justine! :)

    Justine - The css provided above will just allow you to set an arbitrary height on the testimonials. It's not going to auto calculate based off the tallest one, it's just allowing you to choose the set height. If you can provide me a URL to your site where the testimonial slider lives I can suggest the proper height for you :)
