  Public Ticket #147749
403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied!


  • Victor started the conversation
    Hi, I get an error when adding a shortcode to a new portfolio item. When I put a shortcode or text in the extra content section of an portfolio item I get this error: 403 Forbidden, Access to this resource on the server is denied! It works in 1 portfolio item (http://victoralex.com/portfolio/girlxtattoo/) but in the rest it doesn't? Working in Chrome..
  • Victor replied

    At this item it doesn't work for example: http://victoralex.com/portfolio/barrelproof-the-continental-punch/

  • Victor replied

    And do you know why my Maisonry Portfolio isn'n aligning at the bottom?

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Victor,

    1. Does it matter what shortcode you're adding or is it any at all? Currently I can see your item http://victoralex.com/portfolio/barrelproof-the-continental-punch/ loading without that error and it seems you're using the tabbed shortcode on the project. In any case, if this issue continues I would contact your hosting provider to shed some light on it because I'm unaware of anything in theme that could cause that directly.

    2. It appears you only have 3 items (too little for a masonry effect to begin with) and have supplied sizes for the featured images which don't meet the requirements stated in the user guide in the Masonry Sizing section.  Please refer to that for more details on what sizes to use :)



  • Victor replied

    Hey Theme Nectar,

    Thanks for the info. I will check point 2 out.
    For point 1 it gives the error when I put in more text in the short code, put plain text in extra content tab or create a new tab-shortcode.
    It also doesn't work if I create a new portfolio item...The other shortcodes work.

    Any idea?


  • Victor replied

    Figured it out! The tab short-code doesn't work with the word "complexity" in it.
    Maybe a good idea to check out?! Without the word the rest of the text works fine... 

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    That's super weird but thanks for noting - still believe it has to be something server/security related on your setup though.

    Cheers :)