Sorry, I realised I need to access the google map element to make the changes. Whoops! What is the contact map section for then in the Salient settings? Where should this show up?
The current version of Salient (7.5+) now has a field in the Salient Options Panel > General Settings > Css/Script Related tab for adding in your API key. Once you have added in the API key for google maps it will load.
Hi guys,
Why isn't my map updating?
I've changed the settings in the contact section within Salient, but the map won't update accordingly:
The page is:
Sorry, I realised I need to access the google map element to make the changes. Whoops! What is the contact map section for then in the Salient settings? Where should this show up?
Hey ,
The current version of Salient (7.5+) now has a field in the Salient Options Panel > General Settings > Css/Script Related tab for adding in your API key. Once you have added in the API key for google maps it will load.
To generate an API key - please see the official documentation for more information .
Also add the Google Map VC Element and not that shortcode :
ThemeNectar Support Team