  Public Ticket #148204
Portfolio issues, padding issues and custom css.


  • Chris started the conversation
    Hi, I had a few questions regarding the portfolio. 1. Is it possible for the portfolio images on the home screen to be displayed as "Meta on hover + entire thumb link" like you can do on the portfolio pages? 2. Can you reduce the padding on the top of the portfolio page? Actually can you reduce it on all the pages? If its done with custom CSS where exactly in the theme options do you paste the custom code? 3. Can you adjust the padding on the call to action button background so it's not so tall? Thanks.
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Chris!  Sorry for the delay - wrapping up v3.0 caused a larger than normal queue to build. Thanks for your patience :)

    1. Yes, the portfolio shortcode & recent projects shortcode are capable of displaying any of the available portfolio layouts on any page.

    2.  The Custom css box is located in the general settings tab of the theme options panel and here's the css to paste in:

    html body .container-wrap {
       padding-top: 70px;

    3. Add this in as well:

    body #call-to-action .container a {
      padding: 10px 15px!important;

    Cheers :)