  Public Ticket #148550
nectar slider on blog page


  • Gregory started the conversation
    Hi! is there a way to use a nectar slider on the blog page? I can use nectar sliders without problem using shortcodes for static pages or inside a post but I would like to have a slider either on the header, between logo and menu, or on the top of the page where the post are shown, above them. I use for blog masonry blog fullwidth template. Thanks.
  • Brandon replied

    I'm having the same problem — the nectar slider just doesn't show up on the blog page. Have you found a solution yet?

  • Gregory replied

    for 2.6.5. version nothing worked... not even what they suggested in this ticket


    (i.e. using flex slider)

    on version 3.0. that suggestion worked but nectar slider still doesn't work

    (for those who want to try, I put the content of that <div> in index.php after <div class="container-wrap"> for top blog page display)

    still waiting for an answer about nectar slider

    ps just in case if you're interesting to read about this issue



  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Gregory!

    The tickets you're referring to are outdated are describe workarounds to get the functionality before it was possible to do without mods. The correct way to add a nectar slider on top of a blog page is to create a static page, add the nectar slider shortcode on top and then add the blog shortcode underneath it. That is what I have done here:  http://themenectar.com/demo/salient/home-blog/ and that page is included in the dummy data file :)

  • Gregory replied

    thank you very much! I did that and works perfectly.


    ps I was trying to put nectar slider on the blog page defined in Settings->Reading->use static page->Blog and because of that everything I put in the static page I created was ignored so that's why I was trying to mod.