Yesterday, I made two changes to my website. 1) I changed the home page to a new page and 2) I edited the call to action so it would be excluded on specific pages. Everything looked fine yesterday, but this morning I received the following error messages when I went to
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=17) state=0 in /home/content/36/11433636/html/index.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /home/content/36/11433636/html/index.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /home/content/36/11433636/html/index.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 2
Parse error: in /home/content/36/11433636/html/index.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 2
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=17) state=0 in /home/content/36/11433636/html/wp-includes/customize/footer.php on line 2
Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /home/content/36/11433636/html/wp-includes/customize/footer.php on line 2
Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /home/content/36/11433636/html/wp-includes/customize/footer.php on line 3
Parse error: in /home/content/36/11433636/html/wp-includes/customize/footer.php on line 3
I tried to login at, but I received the following error message:
Parse error: in /home/content/36/11433636/html/wp-includes/rest-api/fields/plugin.php on line 3
To get the site back you can override the files you made edits to with the originals or even backup the ones you edited and then replace with originals so that the site works as it was.
That should regain back control. Then test your modifications on maybe a local install of the theme in a staging environment on your computer.
And from the unexpected character errors you might want to use a text editor to make the changes to the files, something like sublime text and not ms word as that is not a text editor but a word processor that might add characters in the file that cause errors.
Yesterday, I made two changes to my website. 1) I changed the home page to a new page and 2) I edited the call to action so it would be excluded on specific pages. Everything looked fine yesterday, but this morning I received the following error messages when I went to
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=17) state=0 in /home/content/36/11433636/html/index.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /home/content/36/11433636/html/index.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /home/content/36/11433636/html/index.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 2
Parse error: in /home/content/36/11433636/html/index.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 2
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=17) state=0 in /home/content/36/11433636/html/wp-includes/customize/footer.php on line 2
Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /home/content/36/11433636/html/wp-includes/customize/footer.php on line 2
Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /home/content/36/11433636/html/wp-includes/customize/footer.php on line 3
Parse error: in /home/content/36/11433636/html/wp-includes/customize/footer.php on line 3
I tried to login at, but I received the following error message:
Parse error: in /home/content/36/11433636/html/wp-includes/rest-api/fields/plugin.php on line 3
How can I get my site back?
Hi globaljf,
To get the site back you can override the files you made edits to with the originals or even backup the ones you edited and then replace with originals so that the site works as it was.
That should regain back control.
Then test your modifications on maybe a local install of the theme in a staging environment on your computer.
And from the unexpected character errors you might want to use a text editor to make the changes to the files, something like sublime text and not ms word as that is not a text editor but a word processor that might add characters in the file that cause errors.
Hope this helps.