  Public Ticket #149787
scroll doesn't work on Google Chrome


  • drastic started the conversation
    Hi, I checked my site on Google Chrome and the scroll bar on the right does not scroll. The user is stuck on whatever they're viewing, and cannot scroll. Thanks.
  • drastic replied

    ps - can make this public. i forgot to!

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Drastic One!

    What version of Chrome are you on? I'm checking on the latest on a Mac & can't replicate this behavior. Can you also see it happening on the live demo?

    Cheers :)

  • drastic replied


    Latest version of Chrome, on a PC.

    Tested my site and the theme demo - niether scroll bar moves. It stays at the top.

    What if we remove the decorations and just let the scroll bar have the default look?

    Wonder what it is!

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Yeah that's really weird - I spend a lot of time in chrome working with Salient on my PC & Mac (latest version as well) and have never ran into this. (no reports either).

    You can disable the styled scrollbar easily in the theme options panel > general settings tab and that will most likely clear your issue since it's the only thing modifying the scroll behavior. It's just weird that you would even have to go to that extreme. When you get a chance you should try another PC just to double check the issue.

    Cheers :) 

  • drastic replied

    I disabled it.

    Don't need it and glad the site scrolls again!

    If you got no reports of it besides mine, then don't even bother looking into it.

    Maybe a new version has option for smooth scroll and different option for styled scroll.


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    You're very welcome :)
