I ve downloaded a demo to customize : demo-service one page,
and when I open the page there I no images, its empty, there is only the elements set and text inside them. I dont know where and how I have to remplace images and so on. As there is no any "visual guide" I have many difficulties to do it as I am an artist and bought salient for the "ready demos", so to win time and learn..
1-How can I preview in real time the fonts family in the text "custom heading menu", while editing the page, because its very hard to choose without see the preview.
2-how can I add fonts and where in the font family ?
I ve downloaded a demo to customize : demo-service one page,
and when I open the page there I no images, its empty, there is only the elements set and text inside them. I dont know where and how I have to remplace images and so on. As there is no any "visual guide" I have many difficulties to do it as I am an artist and bought salient for the "ready demos", so to win time and learn..
many thanks for your reply
Hey Sophia,
Please have a look at this Article :http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/salient-studio/ and http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/importing-demo-content/ .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thanks. I have the following issue.
I can't nothing installed as template as a-bakery dont allow me until I pay 54$ (!)
Is that NORMAL?
No, Please deactivate WPBakery and install Salient VC : http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/installing-plugins/ .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Ok, could you please send me a link or tell how? Necessary or inactive plugins appears as links ready to be activated or for download except
"Salient Visual Composer" ..
that could not find anywhere a link or the plugin itself for download.
Thank you
No need , I ve found it! it was hidden in the menu...
I need some help on this point... :)
1-How can I preview in real time the fonts family in the text "custom heading menu", while editing the page, because its very hard to choose without see the preview.
2-how can I add fonts and where in the font family ?
many thanks
Hey Again,
The only available Typography Options are in here : http://prntscr.com/irzkh1 .
ThemeNectar Support Team