I would like to remove the "category" from the main posts header but not from the main masonry blog page. I have searched the form but have not found the right solution.
I would also like to know if I can change the text "Previous Post" and "Next Post" to say Story instead of Post.
I would like to remove the "category" from the main posts header but not from the main masonry blog page. I have searched the form but have not found the right solution.
I would also like to know if I can change the text "Previous Post" and "Next Post" to say Story instead of Post.
Kind Regards,
Please can someone help? Most specifically just for the Category thing? Trying to figure it out myself but having no luck.
1) To remove that category from main post page and leave in blog archive pages use this CSS:
add the CSS to salient \ general settings - css script related - custom css code.
2) About changing the navigation text, you can find that in the following files:
salient\functions.php line 4014 line 4039 and 4062
Hope this helps.