  Public Ticket #150515


  • James started the conversation
    Hi Nectar Thanks again for the Salient theme which I just seem to love more and more! Here is my latest difficulty, any ideas would be greatly appreciated: I have just installed the Buddypress/bb press plug ins. They work great for what I need however they don't look too hot! Since my woo commerce pages such as 'my account' etc use short codes I can style the pages easily using the Salient templates, header settings, sidebar widgets etc. Buddy press however has no short codes. Instead it seems the BP pages override whatever Salient is saying and you get the generic fullwidth page (not very nice!). Also without being able to add a sidebar with a 'log out' widget there is no way for users to log out. (I don't want to overload my main menu). BP does at least take the Salient styling however I have enlarged the text site wide using the typography option in Salient but this is not being read by BP and so the text has reverted to the very small default size. Any suggestions would as always be much appreciated. James
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey James!

    I know this is a pain but unfortunately there's no quick solution to integrate those plugins with Salient. Realistically it would take a good amount of time to go through all the aspects of them and create styling to match. One piece of advice I can give you is to create a file named "buddypress.php" in the theme folder and paste the contents of page-sidebar.php into it. That will give you buddypress pages a sidebar area in which you can make use of widgets :)


  • James replied

    That's fantastic Nectar and works a treat. I've followed your directions and now get a sidebar area on all buddypress pages. However one little snag! In doing so it now chops off the top inch from all my buddypress pages.

    Looking at the way Salient pages work with sidebars it seems that the title then dividing line are both above the sidebar. Is that why I'm losing the top off my buddypress pages?! Can you suggest how to reclaim that missing inch!?

    Thanks Nectar

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey James! I'd be glad to help, could you just supply me a URL to one of your buddypress pages where this occurs so I can help out with some css?


  •   James replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey agin!

    In that buddypress.php file you created based off the page-sidebar.php, add this in:

     global $bp; 
     if($bp && !bp_is_blog_page()) echo '<h1>' . get_the_title() . '</h1>'; ?>

    right above this line:

    if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    That should fix the title & top spacing issue.


    As for the avatars, I currently can't access the URL you've supplied for the group pages to be able to check on the css - can you ensure the URLs exist still and are public for me to look at?


  •   James replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Sorry I found the mistake - find this line in the file:

     if($bp && !bp_is_blog_page()) echo '<h1>' . get_the_title() . '</h1>'; ?>

    and change it to:

     if($bp && !bp_is_blog_page()) echo '<h1>' . get_the_title() . '</h1>'; 

    That should work :)

  •   James replied privately
  •   ThemeNectar replied privately
  •   James replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again - open the style.css file, search for this line:

    .row .col img

    and change it to:

    body:not(.buddypress) .row .col img

    (I would have done it for you but I don't have admin access)


  •   James replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again!

    Can you try opening back up the buddypress.php file and altering this:

     if($bp && !bp_is_blog_page()) echo '<h1>' . get_the_title() . '</h1>'; 

    to just this:

    echo '<h1>' . get_the_title() . '</h1>'; 


  •   James replied privately
  •   ThemeNectar replied privately
  •   James replied privately
  •   ThemeNectar replied privately
  •   James replied privately
  • Etienne replied


    One quick related question:

    Is there an easy way to use custom headers within a BuddyPress page? I tried using the page option with no luck...

    Using a fullwidth parallax shortcode in the page content won't work either...


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Etienne! Unfortunately there isn't an easy way to use the page header with BuddyPress since the header system only works for the default post types (pages/posts) within WordPress. If you're having issues with the parallax section also not working make sure the page you're using it on doesn't have a sidebar because it needs to run fullwidth.


  •  2
    Ed replied

    Any update on compatibility of Salient with Buddy Press? Seems like this has been brought up a lot and forever but always gets brushed under the rug. At least push a plugin or way to integrate via Code Canyon for reasonable price and people will pay for it. I'm sure you would have a high percentage of your Salient owners buying it. PLEASE!!